Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's a Festivus miracle!

Good stuff! Good stuff last night!

1. I implemented and started using my new Google Spreadsheet to start tracking LolFail member attendance and item drops.

2. We killed LOTS of Gods: 1 Suzaku, 1 Seiryu, 2 Genbu, and 4 Byakko. Well, technically "popped" 4 Byakko, but only killed 3... that first one sucked. Not really sure whether it had to do with the fact we were fighting it on Lightsday or just the WHMs weren't playing thier role properly and keeping the PLD tanks alive. Maybe a little of everything. But whateva.

3. Treu got his Haidate! Which means it's time for him to start loot-whoring everything he can get his grubby little hands on now that he's not really saving up LS points for anything. He says he might start saving up for a D Body, but since there's not really a line for it, that shouldn't be an issue.

4. Exion got his Haidate!!

5. Lux got booted from the LS!!! (This was kinda funny cuz Exion /tells me "It's like winning the lottery! I get my kitty pants and Lux gets the boot!" rofl) Yeah, Lux has just been a really annoying prick lately. Last night he just wouldn't shut up and kept badmouthing pretty much anyone that would say anything in LS chat. The night before he wouldn't let us kill Despot; it was like he just wanted to take it out himself and keep the item to sell on his own or something... whateva. Apparently he ended up dying and we got it anyways. lol After we took a vote, the results came back: Should Lux be kicked out? 11 yes, 6 no. And then Lux procedes to say how those 6 ppl are complete morons and should be shot or something. So... the 6 that voted for him to STAY are morons... wth? O.o I don't know. I'm guessin this kid probably forgot to take his ritalin the past few days or something.

So... good stuff! Tonight, Wednesday, apparently is a night off so I'm not really sure what I'll do with myself tonight. Go out drinkin? Rock Band 2? Campaign Battles? Pop my 2 sky coffers? Dynamis - Dem? SO MANY OPTIONS!!!


Khrone said...

I ended up going with option #15: "try to catch up on sleep"

Treubond said...

LOL "Dynamis-Dem"

Khrone said...

Clearly I have Dynamis on-the-brain lately. XD