Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I said - WAR! Huh Good God y'all

What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing

well... except as a subjob for my MNK ... and I guess when I'm trying to do my Prommies along with /NIN ... and I've heard that end-game WAR is pretty slick too... ok. Just forget I said "absolutely nothing".

Well, I finally was invited into a very competent party with an incredible PL. Got my WAR from 30 up to 33 tonight, and my food effect (jack) still hadn't worn after we had tele'd outta there, ran to an outpost, tele'd home, ran around Bastok, sold some stuff and recharged my Emperor's Band. Yeah, I could have double-ringed tonight too. >< oh well. I guess I still have 3 charges for the rest of the week. Hopefully I luck out again with finding a good pt.

Oh, and our average xp/hr was hanging around 16,000 the whole time. Oh so nice. We even hit a chain-8 and a couple chain-7's.

And just a random thought: do Beastman Seals drop more frequently when the zone is under beastman control? Like, do they drop in place of crystals or something? I swear, I think I got about 20 BS's when I'm used to seeing maybe around 3 to 5. /shrug Then again, maybe I was just really lucky with the drops.

Happy days. I can finally get back to leveling my MNK without worrying about "gimp" comments. Well, at least for another 7 levels or so. ^^

Oh, and {Welcome Back} Hybridkiller. He said he was gonna take this month off for personal issues. Yeah, I think his account was inactive for all of 4 days. lol Sometimes you just gotta give in to your addictions. ^^


Treubond said...

I love all the updates you've been having, you must be sooooo far on your WAR and MNK by now eh?

Oh wait, you have to be logged on to even look for a party. My bad...

Khrone said...

Mmm hmmm...