Monday, May 12, 2008

Well I'm takin' my time, I'm just movin' on

Not much to say except that this was a successful weekend for me: actually managed to find a couple decent parties and leveled my WAR to 35 and MNK to 62; made a little crafting progress on my smithing and leathercraft; started and completed my G4 (woo hoo!); and learned a few more things in-game (what party setups work better than others, where to camp, etc...)

Of course, you can't have the Good without the Bad: There was also another invite I got that wasn't so great. Got invited and ran out to their camp (even died on the way there. Yes, the death was my own fault cuz I thought Puks only aggroed Sound, not both Sound and Sight.) but once I got out there they informed me that our blinktank had already left without notice and they were hoping he just went back to town and was coming right back (he didn't)... and he apparently left before I even left Whitegate. :-P

Whateva. I'm just happy I can get back to MNK basically fulltime again. Won't have to worry about the subjobs until I hit 71. ^^

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