Progress made: Leveled my MNK up to 70, which means it was now time for the Maat fight for my final level-break! ^^
Lesson learned: Maat is one tough sumbitch. I voked him and within 40 seconds I was dead. I thought I did everything right: Opo-opo necklace, 4 sleep pots, boosted as much as i could between pots (without wasting any time), switched back to Chiv Chain, chi blasted for the initial voke, WS, Ic Wing, WS, Chakra and then before I could even initiate my 2-hour... K.O. I followed the directions precisely, so I don't know what went wrong. Unless I need to go in naked. Some people say you need to; others say it's a myth. /shrug Guess I'll try it next time. I think I'm also gonna have to macro-out the entire fight for next time because every second apparently counts.

Oops. I selected option #1, when I should have chosen option #2.

Task(s) planned: Was gonna go on a Promy-Holla run tonight, but one of the guys went afk and never came back, so we're just gonna (hopefully) go on Thursday night. I also put all of our future Dynamis runs into my Treo and set 1-hour alarms so I don't forget to show up. (Next one: Bastok on Wednesday @8pm EST)
I also ended the night doing another campaign. I'm starting to actually enjoy these... but I realize that you pretty much CAN'T do a campaign unless you have a decent tank or 4 and several healers. If you don't have that, you might as well not waste your time. (everyone dead = no fun, no xp, and no ATs) Participating in more campaign battles is giving me motivation to level my SMN up though. ^^
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