Job: Monk
Level: 70
Race: Hume M
Skills: (no, none were maxed-out)
Hand-to-Hand: 248
Evasion: 223
Guarding: 63
Equipment entered with:
- Main: Tactician Magician's hooks +1
- Sub: n/a
- Range: n/a
- Ammo: Smart Grenade
- Head: Temple Crown (will change later to Mercenary Captain's Headgear)
- Neck: Opo-opo Necklace (will change later to Chivalrous Chain)
- Ear: Fang Earring
- Ear: Fang Earring
- Body: Scorpion Harness
- Hands: Ochimusha Kote (Custom M Gloves used later for WS)
- Ring: Sun Ring
- Ring: Sun Ring
- Back: Amemet Mantle +1
- Waist: Brown Belt
- Legs: Aikido Koshita
- Feet: Temple Gaiters (will change later to Wulong Shoes)
- Equip all of the gear listed above and talk to Maat in Jeuno
- Trade "Monk's Testimony" to the Burning Circle
- Eat "Meat Mithkabob"
- Use "Sleeping Potion" and wait until your TP increases 25 points
- Repeat step 4 three more times (until you get to 100 TP)
- Run over to Maat
- Run macro to fire-off Counterstance, Focus and Dodge
- Run macro to equip fighting gear (listed above)
- Select Maat, Attack, and approach him
- After the first hit (to make sure you're close enough and aimed at him) execute WS macro (equipped "Custom M Gloves", WS "Howling Fist", equip "Ochimusha Kote")
- Fire-off "Hundred Fists"
- When HP starts getting low, fire-off Chakra (I macro-ed in "Temple Cyclas")
- When TP reaches 100, execute WS macro

In hind-sight, I probably should have:
- included step 11 in with step 7 to save a second or two
- not macro-ed in AF for Chakra... or maybe not even used Chakra at all!
I think it mainly just came down to a little (or a LOT of) luck though. From looking at the log, Maat only made contact with me 4 times... for an average of almost 200 per swing. That seems to be a big difference from the first time I fought Maat when he only was hitting me for around 100 - 120.
Maat's swings against me:
- miss
- miss
- miss
- 188
- 210
- countered (i countered him for 52)
- countered (i countered him for 50)
- countered (i countered him for 53)
- miss
- countered (i countered him for 83)
- 225
- 159
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