Monday, May 19, 2008


Thought this was interesting...

Quote of the Day on my iGoogle homepage:
It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it.
- Arnold Toynbee

So... what is there to aim for when I actually want full Usukane and a Black Belt? I mean, seriously... what's beyond THAT? Should I be aiming to be able to solo-claim-and-defeat the HNMs for my black belt items? Should I actually be aiming for ALL Salvage sets... obtained within a year? Should I be aiming to fully-merit MNK, SAM, NIN and, what the hell, just to get full use out of the Usu, PUP too?

The fact is, with the amount of freetime I actually have, there really isn't anything more ambitious to set my sights on other than what I already want. Unless I want a Maat's cap, but I'd rather be spending all that extra time meriting rather than leveling jobs I don't particularly enjoy.

{Hmmm.} Trying to think of what other random/pointless goals I could add to my list, just to make it more painful...
- Obtain all summons before my SMN even gets out of level 1. (yes, I actually plan on doing this... assuming it's possible)
- Get a mage job up to 75 so my character can be abused as a PL (like I've been abusing Dis, Screamin and Treu for the past year)
- ...

ok, just spoke to Treu about that, and I guess SMN might just end up being the next job I level now if me, Treu and Dis wanna start up another trio-static. So, maybe getting all summons before I get SMN out of level 1 isn't an option anymore... but I'll still see what I can do about getting as many in there before we start up.

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