Friday, January 23, 2009

And now for something completely different...

I don't like to talk about RL stuff in here, but I kinda felt the need to tell y'all briefly about my day so far today:

2:00 AM - I obtain Byakko's Haidate. And there was much rejoicing. (yaaaaaay)
3:00 AM - I decide to log off, but first have to say {Thank you} to multiple people, answer a few LS points questions, take a few screen shots and then write my previous blog post.
3:30 AM - I log off and go to bed.
5:00 AM - I wake up and forcefully projectile vomit (out both my nose and mouth) for approximately 30 minutes for no apparent reason other than perhaps my body was rejecting the Coke I drank earlier in the evening because it didn't have its usual companion ingredient of "a fifth of Jack Daniels".
5:30 AM - Jump in the shower and be sloppy about trying to clear my nose and throat.
6:00 AM - I brush my teeth and then pass back out in bed, trying to watch last night's episode of Smallville, failing miserably not even 2 minutes after hitting "Play".
7:30 AM - My alarm goes off and I wake up in time for work, feeling surprisingly refreshed despite only getting approximately 3 hours of sleep.
9:00 AM - I arrive at work and yet I don't have the usual disdain I have grown accustomed to over the past decade.
11:00 AM - My manager walks by my desk and says these exact words: "Dude, it's 11:00, your eyes are open, you're sitting up... it's good but it's crazy." (Yes, those exact words. So, he's shocked that I'm awake. Typically I apparently look like hell every morning after our {sky} runs. lol)
11:30 AM - Lunch
1:00 PM - I get back to my desk and realize I am still not very tired.

So... I guess what I've learned from today is: owning Byakko's Haidate gives you a hidden effect of Enhances "Resist Sleep" effect or something in Real Life. :-D

Or I guess it's more likely that the act of "puking my guts out" was purging the remaining angst and animosity I had towards the game in being unfair in my desired Byakko drops and now, today, I just feel hella better because I'm not stressed-out anymore.

Byakko's Haidate dropped for me! Byakko has given me his blessing.
Lux has been apparently permanently banned!! SE decides get back on my better side again.
It has finally warmed up a little bit outside and the Day Star is even out today here in Cleveland!!! Mother Nature is smiling upon me once again.
The conspiracy has been recognized, informed upon and dissolved. Time to move on.

But to get back to the game: Apparently Lux was only supposed to be temporarily banned but is now permanently banned. This actually does not surprise me in the slightest given his history of being a "people person". I'm willing to bet large sums of money that he called up SE, asked to have his account restored, they said "ok, in a couple days" and he responded with something along the lines of "WTF, Are you IDIOTS?!? You should ban me for ETERNITY!! You should ban all of my relatives, neighbors and anyone I have ever talked to in my entire life!!! You're all friggin morons and should be dragged out into the street and shot!!!!!" To which a message is sent out immediately to [GM] Dave's queue to "initiate project perma-Jormy"...

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