Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pretty Fly For A Rabbi

That's right. My Monk is all kindsa crazy pimped out now.
ok, well not "crazy" pimped out.
not even really "all" that much actually either.
ok FINE, just 1 piece of gear so far, but I'm ecstatic about it!

D. Body


Can anyone comprehend how happy I am with this new LS so far? I've been here all of... what... 9 nights! And I have a Dryadic Abjuration: Body piece already! Another quick little loan of around 800k borrowed from baby brother and I has mahself mah Shura Togi! I guess I can return this Scor... wait... heh, then again, it's not like Screamin really needs his Scorpion Harness back right now. Guess I'll hold onto it. I'll need it once my other jobs start getting higher anyways. Assuming I don't already have Campaign Body pieces for them by the time they get up to a high enough level.

So we were on a god run last night up in sky and when we got to Kirin, noone said they wanted the D Body. Sush assumed Naz wanted it eventhough he didn't say anything in LS chat, but Naz is apparently saving his points up for Haidate so the only other one up there that wanted it was lil' ol' me. Yeah, lil' ol' me who doesn't even have his Destroyers yet. rofl Treu just about pissed himself when he pointed that out to me... and followed it up with "ok, yeah, we REALLY gotta get you on a Destroyers run soon now. lol"

Thank you Sush for getting this LS together and keeping it so organized!
Thank you Naz for passing on the D Body. (meh, it'll prolly drop tomorrow night and you'll get it for 5 points instead of 50 now. lol)
Thank you Treu for yelling at me to "bid on 1 NOW". And also for loaning me the gils to buy the cursed item. (Hopefully with the rate we're collecting cash from the LS cash-outs though, you'll hopefully have your gil back within 2 months!)
And what the hell, Thank you Dis for finally logging back on! (Too many ppl have been quittin lately.)

Oops. This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but apparently I forgot about it. As of right now, I already bought the Cursed Togi (for 949k gil) and got my Shura Togi. ^^ Was usin it up in sky last night during farming and 3 Byakkos, and I could already tell the difference. Treu also mentioned to me that this is apparently only the 4th D.Body that ever dropped for this LS. And I got it in my 2nd week with them!

Oh, and have I mentioned: "i so happy"? ^^

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