Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Don't stop, make it pop

Silver Sea Remnants
Party 1: Cole (main MNK), Khrone (MNK), Erm (BRD), Ofe (WHM), Rob (SAM), Kuni (RDM)
Party 2: GH (THF), Liquidblue (COR)
Not in attendance: n/a
Enter Time: Tues 01/26/2010 ~11:09PM EST (full moon)
Goal: NM Run

1st Floor: Hammerblow Majanun
Cleared both side rooms and one of the extended side rooms on the way down the west path. Usu 35 Head dropped and went to Cole. We also noticed that it was 100% full moon at this time.

2nd Floor: Powderkeg Yanadahn
Took SE route to go after Powderkeg. Slipped up a bit when we accidentally aggroed 2 imps while pulling a Fomor... but only 3 ppl died and the rest ran away before being seen. We still continued and killed the NM. Usu 15 Legs dropped and went to me. (Yay! Only need to Usu 25 Legs and I have my first Salvage piece completed!) We noticed that having LB come as COR is REALLY nice. Yes, we noticed this on a previous run, but it turned out really nice this time too.

3rd Floor: bypass
The usual East route... went off without a hitch.

4th Floor: Citadel Chelonian
Again, the usual... We 2-houred on the Archaic Ramparts this time though, and because droprates were much better, we didn't have any accuracy issues. All 4 went down in about 15 minutes, which left us another 10 minutes to take out the turtle, which was cake since LB 2-houred his COR and got us all our 2-hours back. lol

Final Notes / Lessons Learned:
Having our 4th DD come as COR = awesome
Doing the run on a full moon = awesome
Doing Light Skill Chains on Imps and Fomors = awesome

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