Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Spoon is too Big

So as usual, there is a ton of stuff I want/need to get done in game, and there just aren't enough hours in the day and days in the week for me to do any of it.

I need more/better gear NOW if we are going to finally start up our Salvage group. But some of the items I need require me to complete CoP and ZM and ToAU.... I also need to start cranking out Assaults just so I have enough Assault Points to get IN to Salvage. heh, not to mention the fact that I still need to finish that last fight or 2 so I can actually ACCESS Salvage. lol

And yet, I can't really work on any of that stuff right now because I need to focus pretty much all of my time in-game into LolFail and {sky}. I NEED more LS points so I can get my Byakko's Haidate sooner (I think I'm actually up to like 3rd or 4th in line by now!). I don't want to just do what some people seem to be doing and show up ONLY for God-runs. Yes, it seems like it's the most efficient way to get points per time spent in sky... but we still need to farm those damn pop items so we can actually FIGHT these gods. (ie. we ALWAYS need more Despots and Dios) I want to keep showing up, ON TIME, every night so that other people don't get discouraged and start dropping out. The past few evenings, we seem to have fewer and fewer people up there with us. Tuesday night we only had 12 people show up the entire evening. /sigh

But Haidate is the one single major item I REALLY need, ASAP. After that, I'll still be more than happy to keep coming up to sky to farm and kill gods (cuz I'd still like to have my Shura Head and Legs) but at least I won't feel like crap if I miss out on an evening because I'm trying to get Promy-Dem done, or am in a merit party, or am running a couple assaults, etc....

But whateva. It's not like this is something new. I've known I have a TON to do for ... heh, pretty much since I started a year and a half ago. XD

On to other things...
So, I was in Dynamis - Jeuno with HellsBells again last night. We were cruisin along, gettin drops left-and-right (as usual) but the drops apparently were just crap because people kepts groaning at every AFv2 drop and I think only 1 or 2 items were actually lotted on. I'm pretty sure we had 4 THF feet and 3 BLM feet drop and NOONE wanted them. lol Man, I really hope this keeps up with other jobs that I plan to eventually level. ANY free AFv2 would be sweet.

But on a sour-note, we ended up NOT clearing the city. WTH HB? That's 2 cities not cleared in the past 2 weeks. These guys are usually pretty sweet when it comes to rolling thru the cities, but last night there were just a few things that seemed off. Like, we had our 1st, 2nd and 3rd assists determined before we entered... and yet once our main assist went down, we all wipe because all melee are just standing around waiting to assist someone... and the 2nd and 3rds are just standing there with their thumbs up their butts like the rest of us. Don't agree to be an /assist if you don't know how to do the job! Apparently the puller screwed up a little on the boss too, cuz we were overwhelmed at the AH at the end of the run. (But then again, Jeuno is apparently kinda rough on the Boss pull. At least it was for AN... wait, did I just compare these guys to AN?!? I'm sooooo sorry. It'll never happen again.) I think I was the last man standing (well, the last one standing that DIDN'T manage to find a good hiding spot) and I was about to just drop my hourglass since we had already been given the 10-minute warning, but ppl were saying "don't drop glass!" "we can recover" blah blah blah... so I stayed and died along with everyone else.... And then AFTER I die they say "oh well. nvm. no time. let's just timeout and get R3s...."
Well, next time I see that we are about to wipe so close to the end, I'm just gonna leave. Hell, there was no point in me staying really anyways. I already have the city clear, and it's not like a MNK is of any use against the boss. Why were ppl telling me not to drop my hourglass? :-/

What else. What else. . .

Well, last night I got asked to join the HellsBells Einherjar group. They wanted me to come right after Dynamis, but I was just too tired, so they asked me to come on their next run on Sunday @6:30pm. I guess I'll try it out. It only takes like 30 mnutes (so I guess maybe an hour total of my time if you include the time it takes to get out there, etc...). I'd like to at least experience Einherjar, eventhough I really don't want/need anything from there. It'd be a nice change of pace to do something different from just sky and Dynamis, which is basically ALL I've done over the past couple months. Plus, you know, assuming we get the clears, I can show off a few more Titles on my AH page. And getting an Odin win would help me out in my quest to... ok, help me out in my fantasies of getting that Monk Mythic weapon. lol

I also did a bunch more reading up on Einherjar and Mythic weapons today.

The gist of what I've read for Einherjar: you need to come prepared (food, poison pots, eyedrops, whatever...); you should expect to wipe; when you DO wipe, die in a cluster; and apparently abjuration drops are pretty infrequent... like, so infrequent, I don't think any have dropped to HB in the past couple weeks. (then again, I have no real idea how often they have been doing these runs over the past few weeks...)

The gist of what I've read for Mythic weapons: they are like 10 times harder to get than relic weapons (already knew that tho); a lot of the weapons aren't really as good as they were expected to be (only a few jobs seem like it would really be worth the effort, and MNK is one of them); and the aftermath's don't work like people expected them to be.

The big problem with the aftermaths is that when it says "Aftermath: Increases Acc./Att. Occasionally attacks twice" what they actually mean is "Aftermath Level 1: Increases Acc. --- Aftermath Level 2: Increases Att. --- Aftermath Level 3: Occasoinally attacks twice". You can activate the various levels of aftermaths by doing the following:
1. build up at least 100% TP and WS - This activates level 1 AM.
2. build up at least 200% TP and WS - This activates level 2 AM.
3. build up 300% TP and WS - This activates level 3 AM.

So, basically the AM that they tell you isn't quite true; you need to build up to gaining the full AM. "But wait! There's MORE!" The AMs only last a certain amount of time. Level 1 lasts 60 seconds, level 2, 90 seconds and level 3 120 seconds. So, basically you only have a minute and a half to build up 300 TP oterhwise you're never getting that level 3 AM. "But wait! There's MORE!" On top of that, you also cannot "renew" level 2 or level 3, meaning that: say you have level 2 AM and you are about to time-out (85 seconds have passed) and only have 215% TP, you decide to WS before time runs out and before you hit 300% TP... you just get kicked back down to level 1 AM again. So, I guess if you plan on maximizing your AM, you really need to pay attention to the clock; you don't want to kick off level 3 too soon!

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