Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dream, Dream, Dream

Vaguely remember my dream from last night... during the 4 hours or so that I actually got some sleep...

Something about Salvage gear again... although I don't think it was Usukane. Don't think it was really ANY existing Salvage set. Maybe I was thinking it was a new Salvage or ZNM set added in with the version update yesterday... whateva.

So, I'm going through these 3 sets of 3 rooms (thinking about Einherjar?) and haggling with other characters about prices for items that I need to get my gear. Sometimes it was gil. Othertimes it was LS points. Othertimes it was just agreeing to go on an NM run or something. One or two times were just me talking to the person and getting the item right away. ... I never got the final 9th item that I needed to complete my set.

Then there was something about either running through sky or lower delkfutt's tower... just CRUISING past mobs that should be aggroing but they were always facing a different direction and I'd just run right behind them with out being spotted. (obviously this part came from the dio farming the other night when i aggroed a stat.)

Hmmm. What else... I know there was another part....
Maybe it had to do with sea?
Maybe it had to do with a weapon? (h2h or sword or something??)
Maybe it had to do with Dynamis?
Maybe it had to do with ...
For some reason I'm thinking it had to do with "moss" or the ground/floor. ("Moss" was my "green thing" when Treu and I were playing "I spy ..." last night while waiting for Despot to pop.) Maybe I was recalling a conversation that someone brought up in Dynamis the other night asking why Elvaan are the only ones the die face-up and everyone else dies face-down? /shrug

Meh. Can't remember. Shoulda wrote this down earlier.

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