Monday, March 1, 2010

You and I in a little toy shop

Well well well, what have we here?! Oh, nothing much. Just the typical update planned. A couple changes here and there. A new zone or two. A couple new NMs. A few job changes. Same ol', same ol'....

Oh what's that?

Oh would you people please stfu about them adding Odin and Alexander as SMN avatars. You people have been going on and on AND ON about that for YEARS. It hasn't happened yet and it will never happen. So just knock it off already.

Same goes for those "Walk of Echos" maps. Haven't those maps been hidden on our machines for like half a decade now? What makes you think they'll ever actually let us go there?

PUP-whutwhut?? \o/

Level 99... seriously? You make me lol. All JAs, JTs, spells, gear, subjobs, etc... is all aimed at having 75 as the highest level for us. If SE ever decided to let us get higher than 75, people are gonna be doing single-party Kirin burns. Quit foolin yourself. It's not gonna happen.

New merits? Psshha, right. And monkeys might fly out of my butt.

WotG missions coming to an end? hahayeahright. As if THAT will ever happen. SE is gonna keep us thinking we're closer and closer to the end of those missions for the next 3 years. Don't hold your breath.

Augment Relic/Mythic weapons? 80 augments all at the same time too eh? Wow. Now you're just REALLY in your own little dreamworld, huh?

3 new add-ons huh? Wait wait wait, lemme guess... this time you'll get new Feet, Hands and Back piece for completing them! :rolleyes:

Combining servers? gfy. I'll quit before being forced off of Hades!!!

Why are you looking at me as if I'm the one sniffing glue? You're clearly the delusional one here.



You mean SE really posted that themselves? On purpose? I totally thought someone just hacked their website and added that in. Or maybe it was just some whacked-out, Vana/Japanese-calendar version of an April Fools' Day prank. ... SeRiOuSlY?!?!


But yeah. In all seriousness, I'm pumped about... well.... about just about everything in this announcement. Now I think I'm definitely gonna finish PUP off and not just leave it hangin around the mid 40s. MNK, of course, is still gonna be my main focus and will be the first (and possibly only) job up to 99. Salvage will hopefully still be our group's highest priority, but I guess I will understand if people want to quit because it turns out there's better gear available now. (but it'll still make me /cry)

A couple things kinda make me cringe over this announcement, like:
- a lot of difficult NMs are gonna be so easy to take down now if we can go up another 24 levels; does that mean they're gonna raise the difficulty of those NMs now too? or are they just going to level-cap us to 75 whenever we fight them?
- the grind from 75 - 99 is gonna be.... well, it just might be unbearable. considering 63 is the halfway point between 1 and 75, that means 75 might only be the halfway point between 1 and 99. (XP-wise)
- some of these job changes kind of worry me... like, are they gonna start bumping spells up higher to be able to learn/cast? (Raise for RDM is 38... are they gonna raise it up to level 50 now, so you still can't cast it if you are /RDM?)

Whatev. Like Treu always tells me about FFXIV: no point in worrying about it until they actually give us specifics.

In other news, a co-worker just started off playing FFXI again. (He quit a couple years ago, and there have been PLENTY of changes since he left, not even counting the new changes that were just recently announced.) He's a new Taru in Windy. He said he logged on this weekend and Windy was basically empty except for a couple fishing-bots. lol We're gonna have to see if we can PL him pretty quick tonight and maybe even get him into an Astral Flow party to hurry him along. Try to get him up to at least a point where he can be self-sufficient for a while until he gets a job up to 75 and can join us in end-game stuff.

In hindsight, I should have named this post "It's the end of the world as we know it". I initially opted for the opening line to "99 Red balloons" though, in reference to the new level limit... and that the world, as we know it, is gonna change.

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