Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This is the end

Kill kill kill kill kill kill

Yeah, so FFXIV is out now, and eventhough I can't play until I get it shipped to me (around Oct 5th thru the 9th... 2 weeks from now) I think I'm already kinda addicted.

Thinking I might have wasted too much time going after that Magian Dark Elemental Avatar -4 staff, since I'll probably be spending all of my freetime on the new game.

I'm still waiting on the flow of info to come into the new 14 wiki.

and btw, tons of news from the past... however long it's been since I posted here. Basically:
- MNK 85. Practically fully merited now.
- SMN 78. All avatars obtained except the 2 new ones (Odin and Alexander). Got Evoker's Ring too.
- Campaign Ranked up to the lowest level of the highest tier.
- HellsBells pretty much disbanded since there's no need for pretty much any "end-game" events anymore. All the good stuff is in Abyssea now.

Monday, March 1, 2010

You and I in a little toy shop

Well well well, what have we here?! Oh, nothing much. Just the typical update planned. A couple changes here and there. A new zone or two. A couple new NMs. A few job changes. Same ol', same ol'....

Oh what's that?

Oh would you people please stfu about them adding Odin and Alexander as SMN avatars. You people have been going on and on AND ON about that for YEARS. It hasn't happened yet and it will never happen. So just knock it off already.

Same goes for those "Walk of Echos" maps. Haven't those maps been hidden on our machines for like half a decade now? What makes you think they'll ever actually let us go there?

PUP-whutwhut?? \o/

Level 99... seriously? You make me lol. All JAs, JTs, spells, gear, subjobs, etc... is all aimed at having 75 as the highest level for us. If SE ever decided to let us get higher than 75, people are gonna be doing single-party Kirin burns. Quit foolin yourself. It's not gonna happen.

New merits? Psshha, right. And monkeys might fly out of my butt.

WotG missions coming to an end? hahayeahright. As if THAT will ever happen. SE is gonna keep us thinking we're closer and closer to the end of those missions for the next 3 years. Don't hold your breath.

Augment Relic/Mythic weapons? 80 augments all at the same time too eh? Wow. Now you're just REALLY in your own little dreamworld, huh?

3 new add-ons huh? Wait wait wait, lemme guess... this time you'll get new Feet, Hands and Back piece for completing them! :rolleyes:

Combining servers? gfy. I'll quit before being forced off of Hades!!!

Why are you looking at me as if I'm the one sniffing glue? You're clearly the delusional one here.



You mean SE really posted that themselves? On purpose? I totally thought someone just hacked their website and added that in. Or maybe it was just some whacked-out, Vana/Japanese-calendar version of an April Fools' Day prank. ... SeRiOuSlY?!?!


But yeah. In all seriousness, I'm pumped about... well.... about just about everything in this announcement. Now I think I'm definitely gonna finish PUP off and not just leave it hangin around the mid 40s. MNK, of course, is still gonna be my main focus and will be the first (and possibly only) job up to 99. Salvage will hopefully still be our group's highest priority, but I guess I will understand if people want to quit because it turns out there's better gear available now. (but it'll still make me /cry)

A couple things kinda make me cringe over this announcement, like:
- a lot of difficult NMs are gonna be so easy to take down now if we can go up another 24 levels; does that mean they're gonna raise the difficulty of those NMs now too? or are they just going to level-cap us to 75 whenever we fight them?
- the grind from 75 - 99 is gonna be.... well, it just might be unbearable. considering 63 is the halfway point between 1 and 75, that means 75 might only be the halfway point between 1 and 99. (XP-wise)
- some of these job changes kind of worry me... like, are they gonna start bumping spells up higher to be able to learn/cast? (Raise for RDM is 38... are they gonna raise it up to level 50 now, so you still can't cast it if you are /RDM?)

Whatev. Like Treu always tells me about FFXIV: no point in worrying about it until they actually give us specifics.

In other news, a co-worker just started off playing FFXI again. (He quit a couple years ago, and there have been PLENTY of changes since he left, not even counting the new changes that were just recently announced.) He's a new Taru in Windy. He said he logged on this weekend and Windy was basically empty except for a couple fishing-bots. lol We're gonna have to see if we can PL him pretty quick tonight and maybe even get him into an Astral Flow party to hurry him along. Try to get him up to at least a point where he can be self-sufficient for a while until he gets a job up to 75 and can join us in end-game stuff.

In hindsight, I should have named this post "It's the end of the world as we know it". I initially opted for the opening line to "99 Red balloons" though, in reference to the new level limit... and that the world, as we know it, is gonna change.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chuck Norris Belt - Part III

Chuck Norris can unscramble an egg.
2 mil
I is happiest

'nuff said.

Yes, one of my long-term goals in this game has been achieved. Time for a drink!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Don't stop, make it pop

Silver Sea Remnants
Party 1: Cole (main MNK), Khrone (MNK), Erm (BRD), Ofe (WHM), Rob (SAM), Kuni (RDM)
Party 2: GH (THF), Liquidblue (COR)
Not in attendance: n/a
Enter Time: Tues 01/26/2010 ~11:09PM EST (full moon)
Goal: NM Run

1st Floor: Hammerblow Majanun
Cleared both side rooms and one of the extended side rooms on the way down the west path. Usu 35 Head dropped and went to Cole. We also noticed that it was 100% full moon at this time.

2nd Floor: Powderkeg Yanadahn
Took SE route to go after Powderkeg. Slipped up a bit when we accidentally aggroed 2 imps while pulling a Fomor... but only 3 ppl died and the rest ran away before being seen. We still continued and killed the NM. Usu 15 Legs dropped and went to me. (Yay! Only need to Usu 25 Legs and I have my first Salvage piece completed!) We noticed that having LB come as COR is REALLY nice. Yes, we noticed this on a previous run, but it turned out really nice this time too.

3rd Floor: bypass
The usual East route... went off without a hitch.

4th Floor: Citadel Chelonian
Again, the usual... We 2-houred on the Archaic Ramparts this time though, and because droprates were much better, we didn't have any accuracy issues. All 4 went down in about 15 minutes, which left us another 10 minutes to take out the turtle, which was cake since LB 2-houred his COR and got us all our 2-hours back. lol

Final Notes / Lessons Learned:
Having our 4th DD come as COR = awesome
Doing the run on a full moon = awesome
Doing Light Skill Chains on Imps and Fomors = awesome

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tik Tok on the Clock

Silver Sea Remnants
Party 1: Cole (main MNK), Khrone (MNK), Erm (BRD), Ofe (WHM), Rob (SAM), Kuni (RDM)
Party 2: GH (THF), Liquidblue (BLU)
Not in attendance: n/a
Enter Time: Mon 01/25/2010 ~10:57PM EST
Goal: NM Run

1st Floor: Hammerblow Majanun
We decided to start taking the West path on the 1st floor again to try and get me my Usu 35 Head. Still no luck though. Cruised through this floor like usual. We completely bypassed the central room, but in hindsight, since our gear drops ended up sucking the big fat fatty, we might have done better to spend a little time on those Fomors. There's 16 of them and they constantly respawn. Less than a 50% chance for a cell drop. But then again from what I recall, they die pretty darned quick.

2nd Floor: Dekka
NW path to kill the imps. and hopefully get some Marduk 35 Feet... but as usual, no luck. These imps really suck due to their CONSTANT spamming on Silence and Amnesia. Like, NON-STOP spamming of it. It was pretty ridiculous. We really need to figure a way to prevent this from happening before trying these guys again in the future... if that's even possible.

3rd Floor: bypass
I think I was the only one that knew we had to kill the Speedy Gonzales Imp in the northern chamber in order to open the door to get to the central room, but no biggie. As usual, he was kind of a pain in the ass because he runs away after you take 10% of his HP from him, and the gears in the room make it a little more difficult to grab him without unnecessary aggro. Hindsight: timewise, it probably doesn't matter whether we only kill the Imp, or completely clear that room. We probably could have been killing the gears while waiting for him to come back around each time anyways. No biggie though. Greenie sac-pulled the East room for us so we could take out the stationary rampart. It seemed to go a little slow for us, because everything started coming back before we finished off the rampart. Probably due to lack of equipment cell drops for us.

4th Floor: failz
We waited until everyone was unweakened before zoning up to the 4th floor. As soon as we entered, we ran down to the central room, picking up some items from caskets along the way. Everyone knew which rampart to grab on the initial sac-pull... although I was kinda confused why someone else took my place for grabbing one of them. lol Whatev. 4 ppl grabbed them and I was backup in case someone missed. So, after I saw that 3 of them were grabbed, I just Chi Blasted the 4th one and started runnign towards the entrance. We got all 4 up to the starting room and started taking them out... which is when the suckage began.
Problem #1: the archaic ramparts just could NOT be slept. they just seemed uber-resistant tonight.
Problem #2: we were missing a LOT of our swings because of the lack of cell drops up to this point on the run. i don't think we got a single Rings cell. Only 1 (or 0?) head cells. Only a couple ranged, but I didn't have one... basically, all of my slots that I use for my Acc+ gear were still locked. Ditto for the rest of the melee it appeared. I had my Cobra Unit Feet and Hands equipped, Focus up, and ate some sushi.... and I was still missing like crazy.
Our WHM went down... then our RDM... then everyone else. As soon as I had taken hate after the RDM died, it just would not let me get my shadows up so I died pretty quickly too. (By this time, there were already 3 mobs that had spawned from the ramparts.) We ended up getting the 3rd rampart down to about 15% I think, but we wiped. After a couple of us raised, we decided that we wouldn't have enough time to finish off the ramparts and kill the turtle before time ran out, so we just gave up.

Simply put: I don't think we really did anything wrong at all on this run. We only failed due to the crappy droprate of cells. It happens. Hopefully we'll be luckier tomorrow night.

Afterwards: did a couple Golden Salvage runs with Rob and Greenie to get us more Assault Points for future salvage runs.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Little Changes Big Results

No, not really. I can't back that up.

Silver Sea Remnants
Party 1: Cole (main MNK), Khrone (MNK), Erm (BRD), Ofe (WHM), Kuni (RDM), Liquidblue (COR)
Party 2: GH (THF), Rob (SAM)
Not in attendance: n/a
Enter Time: Mon 01/18/2010 ~11:00PM EST
Goal: NM Run

blah blah blah... Basically exactly the same as the past few runs, except we had LB on COR (instead of his usual BLU or WAR). Having 1 less DD kind of worried me. I felt that we were running a little slow in the beginning. Ofe had some connection issues (severe storm in his area). I think even LB DCed once. Our first attempt at pulling the Archaic Ramparts on the turtle floor resulted in a wipe because the wandering gears took us (well, at least ME) by surprise. Towards the end [someone] also noticed that [they] had apparently gotten Regen instead of Refresh with [their] Sanction. lol

And yet, we still killed everything we planned on with several minutes to spare! :-D So it actually turned out to be a pretty good run. No 35 drops, so clearly that sucked. But I'm still glad we got our objectives completed, despite several things going wrong. I guess the COR's extra buffs really helped out. Maybe we should try this out more often? On other runs? Just this run? I guess we'll just have to try and see!

I probably won't be able to make it to our next (Tuesday) run because I'm goin to the Cavs/Raptors game. I told the group to go on and plan on me not being there, although I'm still not sure what they'll be doin. So far, sounds like they're gonna try the same battleplan with just 1 less MNK. I'm guessin LB will switch back over to WAR so they have a third DD though.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Tortoise and the Hare

(spoiler alert: the tortoise loses)

Silver Sea Remnants
Party 1: Cole (main MNK), Erm (BRD), Ofe (WHM), Rob (SAM), Kuni (RDM), Liquidblue (BLU)
Party 2: GH (THF), Khrone (MNK)
Not in attendance: n/a
Enter Time: Mon 01/11/2010 ~11:00PM EST
Goal: NM Run

1st Floor: bypass
We decided to take the East path for a change, which bypasses my Usu 35 Head NM {/cry} but it turned out nicely because the other side seems to give a lot more cell drops, plus we can move through it a lot quicker than the West path.

2nd Floor: bypass
SW path. Pretty sure we killed a few before porting up.

3rd Floor: success
Made our way to the East porter. Everyone bypassed the South room without incident... which I'm pretty sure was a first for us. lol When clearing the East room, only had maybe 1 or 2 deaths from some unlucky hits. No major incidents. Gyroscopic Gears (NM) only dropped Ares 15 Head. :-P

4th Floor: success
Made our way down to the main room. All 4 pullers made sure we knew which Archaic Rampart we needed to grab. ... And then the wandering Gears came floating by, heading North. :-P GH managed to aggro them and pull them far enough away so that after he had died, they didn't come back after us. Since the wandering Gears were on the North side of the main room, we decided to switch tactics and pull the Archaic Ramparts towards the South end, instead of the entrance chamber to this floor. Once everyone was set, GH aggroed the room and ran North while the 4 pullers grabbed their Archaic Ramparts and headed South. Pullers had to make sure to keep hate and not lose their mob, but we eventually all made it down to the South end and picked them off one at a time (while the others were kept slept). Citadel Chelonian popped. We waited for the wandering gears to start heading back North and kind of followed them back up to the main room. Once we were clear, we pulled the turtle NM a little further South (but not even all the way to the end) and took him out. He only dropped Morrigan 15 Head. :-P

Flied out.

Final Notes / Lessons Learned:
While it kind of irked me that I (as the 2nd MNK) was put in the outside party AND that we bypassed the 1st floor NM, I'm still happy that we finally had a VERY smooth SSR run. Apparently this layout/plan worked for us this time, so I can't really complain. I'm pumped that we finally got a chance at killing the turtle (every other time we've somehow managed to screw up pulling the Archaic Ramparts) and that it went down so easily. We didn't get any good drops, but at least this is another run that we finally have worked the kinks out of. The drops will just come with us executing our battleplan successfully over and over again. :-)


Follow-up regarding the next night's run:
Basically the exact same run (and still no 35 drops) with a few minor changes:
- Rob (SAM) was in the outside party and Khrone (2nd MNK) was in main party
- before Ofe (WHM) got his magic unlocked, he was actually in the outside party and Rob (SAM) was in the main party, since a WHM without magic is basically useless (although I think he actually got his magic unlocked withing the first 60 seconds of entering Salvage. lol)
- we had a slight delay on the 3rd floor when someone accidentally aggroed one of the mobs in the South room. only took a few minutes to kill though. nothing major.
- we also delayed a bit before pulling the Archaic Ramparts because we weren't sure where the wandering gears were. we probably could have saved a bit of time by just charging in as soon as we got there. again, no major time-loss though.
- we pulled the Archaic Ramparts North this time, instead of South, due to the location/moving-direction of the wandering gears. (which seems like it will always be a coin-toss) So, at least now we are accustomed to pulling in either direction and know we can do it without incident. :-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Errors are not in the art but in the artificers

(- Isaac Newton)

Bhaflau Remnants
Party 1: Cole (main MNK), Khrone (MNK), Erm (BRD), Ofe (WHM), Rob (SAM), Kuni (RDM)
Party 2: GH (THF), Liquidblue (WAR)
Enter Time: Mon 1/4/2010 ~10:50PM EST
Goal: Boss Run
Game plan: same as before with a few minor tweaks here and there
Result: really lucky on cell drops; Boss killed with about 6 minutes to spare; Ares 25 Head went to Erm; Morrigan 25 Body went to GH; Usu 15 Hands went to Khrone
New Title: Comet Charioteer
- I had Arhat's Gi +1, Arhat's Jinpachi, Patronus Ring which all helped with dmg control.
- I focused a lot more on keeping shadows up, which made the healer's job a lot easier.
- Killing all 10 gears helped a ton.
- Having that extra DD (and us focusing a lot more on skill chains) helped a lot with killing gears and other mobs quicker.

In other news: Did 4 more Golden Salvage runs with LB and Cole. I'm starting to feel more comfortable using my SMN now, but still need to get it leveled past 62 so i can finally start wearing my AFv2. lol