Sunday, June 7, 2009

Always do everything you ask of those you command

Well, lately it has finally occurred to me that, no matter how much I deny it or try to ignore it, I am most definitely a commanding leader in Relentless Sky LS. lol

I started off just joining this LS (back when it was called lolFail) just to get a few much-needed pieces for sky gear. I had heard that this LS was spamming sky like madmen, so I'd be able to get it quickly. 9 days after joining, I had already gotten my D Body!

I kept sticking with it, going up to sky for 5 hours a night, 4 nights per week, because I needed Byakko's Haidate and the gil to pay back everyone I had borrowed gil from. After a while, it seemed like the leader (Sush at that time) was getting burned-out from the administration side of running an LS, so I did what I could to help him out. I began taking attendance every night. I kept track of what items dropped from what gods. What items were sold, and to whom. What items could be sold on the AH to go towards the weekly payouts.

Oh yeah, weekly payouts back then were also given to anyone who attended sky and obtained ... what was it... 15 points? Basically, you needed to be up there for 2 full nights. (The rule was later adjusted because too many people were abusing the system. They'd show up for a Kirin burn, which might take an hour out of their evening, but they'd still obtain 5 points.)

Well, long-story short ("too late"), I've still been going up to sky basically every single night, for the entire night. My attendance and experience have put me in a position of leadership. A position I did not want to take up, but it has none-the-less been forced-upon me. If I quit, I have no doubts the whole LS will crumble within a week or two, because no one else is up there as often as I am and no one seems to have the patience and diligence I have to take meticulous notes and attendance.

I actually WANT to quit this LS sometime soon (it takes up too much of my time... and it's SUMMER damnit!), but before I do that, I want to make sure someone can take up the reigns of what I have been doing all this time. I really don't want the bad karma of being the reason for the destruction of what once was a great sky LS. Shiiga recently gave me admin access to the DKP, so now I am taking attendance, keeping track of drops, and keeping track of points. Lilmama keeps track of who has what pop items, selling gil items on the AH, and contacting/collecting from sky-gear buyers.

ok, now I'm just blabbering on about nothing... /sigh
I need sleep.

This will be continued in a later post...

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