Friday, June 6, 2008

The Matrix isn't real

I hate when this stuff happens, especially now when I'm so close to my deadline/anniversary, but I gotta take a couple days off, away from the game. ><

Last night I was so busy with RL stuff (mow my lawn, edge, weed-whack around the house, fertilize, pick up my tux, sign up for a pass so I can start swimming again this summer, make dinner...) I don't think I even got online until around 8:30 or 9:00pm. After an hour of lfp, I gave up looking (cuz I don't want to be one of "those people" who joins a pt and then ditches after only an hour or so).

I did manage to get a few more campaign battles in and got enough xp to get to MNK 72 though. ^^ (Only about 120k more to go!) After I dinged, I just headed up to the Hall of the Gods and logged so that if I DO get out of the rehearsal dinner stuff early, I can hurry back (prolly just over to Treu's house to save myself an extra half-hour or so of driving) and join in on Sky tonight.

Of course, it wasn't until after I had already started the log-out process that I realized that I hadn't yet done my campaign evaluation. >< Eh whateva. It was only 12:20am at the time and I couldn't even get evaluated until 12:45am anyways. And I was NOT about to run alllllll the way back up to the Hall of the Gods again. No biggie; so I delay a rank-up by maybe 24 hours. /shrug

Rehearsal dinner tonight. Wedding all day Saturday. Kick the broad outta my house early Sunday morning (whichever bridesmaid I happened to bring home the night before). And then back to MOAR MNK ALL DAY SUNDAY!!! (well, and then I think a Dynamis run on Sunday night, assuming it's one of the cities.)

Next step: level MNK to 75 (working on breaking the Trial Weapon latent while doing so)

Everything else can wait.

I just realized last night that I have enough ISP for my Walahra Turban, but can't wear it til 75 anyways... but at least I know where to go and how to get it so once I'm even close to 75 I'll take care of that right quick.

Destroyers can wait.

Hell, even my Prommies can wait now.

I WANTS 75ses!!!!!11!1!!!

8 days...


Treubond said...

I don't think you'll make it. Too many excuses!!!


Khrone said...

yer always such a negative-nancy.

Treubond said...

Negative Nancy wins the battle. With not exping AT ALL on sunday there is no way you will hit 75 unless you hit some really good merit parties ... like NOW.

Winner - Negative Nancy

Khrone said...


I DID get some xp in on Sunday doin a bunch of Campaign Battles. I actually got more XP than Tek did after 6 hours of actually being IN a party!

So :-P'''