Dynamis Sandy run last night... got the clear. No biggie. I think we've done that run like 4 times since I joined 4 or 5 weeks ago and we've cleared it all but once so far. When the hell am I gonna get the Jeuno and Windy clear?? But I digress...
I was pretty shocked that on our run, not 1 single person WS-ed a NIN mob! Also, one of our sackholders didn't show up last night. Coincidence? Possibly... but then again, as I recall from our last Dynamis Basty run, she WS-ed couple NIN mobs right in a row, even after being warned not to do it time and time again. /shrug So last night, only 1 NIN self-destructed and I don't think anyone died from it. Good job DDs!! ^^
Hmm... what else...
- I got to put together the main DD pt (4x MNK, 1 SAM and 1 WHM; where the hell did all these MNKs come from suddenly?), so I guess I'm officially part of the main alliance now and will hopefully never be in the outside pt again. lol
- only 1 full-wipe, I believe, just before we got to the stables. another near-full-wipe happened in the stables.
- only 2 ppl de-leveled last night, one of them happened to be the WHM in our DD pt (ouch for us DD)... and she only started the run off at 70 (ouch again for us)... but whateva. I can't be mad/complain because I showed up to a couple runs still at like lvl 70 when I first joined.
- AF drops: onry PLD hands (Joel?) and BRD head (Ced)... and like 15 WAR relic weapons. lol
As for campaign, I STILL can't rank-up yet. I swear, I've done like 15 to 18 campaign battles since my last rank-up (Bronze Star), ALL of them were successes (not 1 did "the allied forces retreat"), I've made probably at LEAST 15k in xp and maybe around 8k Allied Notes and yet I still can't rank-up. WTF Mate? There's gotta be something else to this rank-up stuff. Maybe I have to do some Campaign Ops to get further or something?? /sigh Maybe I should just give up on looking forward to getting that Cobra Unit gear and just get back to focus on pting when I'm not looking for groups to do other runs that I need to go on, such as:
- Double Dragonian: last night some of us in the LS were talking about doing this run soon, so hopefully it gets done ASAP (but hopefully not this weekend while I'm out of town again!)
- my Asuran Fists fight: Tekumel said he still hasn't done his DRG WS fight either, so hopefully we can get a group together to do his and mine in the same night
- Prommy runs: I still only have 1 cleared so far
- etc...
Side note #1:
Tampa trip this past weekend was awesome. 18 guys showed up for a bachelor party (only 1 of which actually lives in Florida). Some heavy-flirting with a 21 year old broad that sat next to me at the ballgame Friday night, but didn't have the nerve to get her digits... cuz her dad was sitting right next to her and staring me down the entire 9th inning. lol Golf on Saturday was cancelled due to rain, so we ended up reverting back to our college-days and played drinking games all day long. Only 17 of us made it to the steak house for dinner (cuz one of my pledge brothers can't keep up with us now that he's got a kid). Got some contact info from a hottie later that night... turns out she's 19 (hey, it's still legal!) but was a Miss Teen Florida or something recently. Guess I gotta make plans to head down there again sometime relatively soon. Flight back home sucked (weather delays, luggage lost, etc...) so I missed out on the Dynamis Jeuno run on Sunday night. (Man, I don't think I wanna know if they cleared it or not; I still need that clear.)
Side note #2:
Word of the day: Cockaigne
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dream a little dream of me
Nice. Just had a dream that I was running down the street that I grew up on, from my grade-school towards my parents' house, avoiding mobs, with a bunch of my friends. For some reason, I could run a little faster than everyone else (maybe I activated my sprinter shoes?) but I got reckless and aggroed. (Was it a Dancing Weapon? I know those things were ONE of these mobs.) I aggroed SOMEthing and while I was killing it, like 8 more people-based mobs (like fomors I guess) started aggroing too cuz my sneak wore off from being hit by that first mob.
After killing like 3 mobs and a dozen more just coming at me, I decided it would be best if I just ran for it and tried to zone (zoning would occur when I got to mom and pops place). I was down to like 300 or 400 HP (so like 20% of my total. I know this because I could see it in my lower right corner. Yeah, like all of my dreams, I was seeing this in 3rd person.) but I eventually made it safe and sound.
I only made it home alive cuz a few "helper" NPCs and other friends were picking off some of the mobs when I crossed Beverly Hills (one of the cross-streets). As soon as I entered the house, the mobs just stopped coming at me in the street, started wandering around for a bit, then started walking back to where I had first aggroed them.
There was more to the dream, but the rest didn't really seem ffxi-related. Like, it turned out some of the mobs were in fact police officers that were trying to take me in, but they couldn't enter my parents' house. and I knew they would try to break the law by entering illegally, so i set up a PC and a camera/microphone (actually, it looked like the camera for the PS3) and pointed it out at the cops. When I opened the front door and started taunting them, they just turned and walked away.
There was another part (before all the running actually began) about a friend puking in the middle of a nice restaurant.
Now... How often have you had dreams like this? And why haven't I had more of these?
No, I didn't aggro anything by accident in Dynamis last night, so don't go thinkin this is a guilt-trip dream. lol
Aight. Gotta go pack cuz I'm flying down to Tampa after work today. I shall miss gaming for the next couple days. Hopefully I won't fall behind in points cuz after last night's run (2 MNK feet dropped), I'm now first in line for MNK gear. ^^
After killing like 3 mobs and a dozen more just coming at me, I decided it would be best if I just ran for it and tried to zone (zoning would occur when I got to mom and pops place). I was down to like 300 or 400 HP (so like 20% of my total. I know this because I could see it in my lower right corner. Yeah, like all of my dreams, I was seeing this in 3rd person.) but I eventually made it safe and sound.
I only made it home alive cuz a few "helper" NPCs and other friends were picking off some of the mobs when I crossed Beverly Hills (one of the cross-streets). As soon as I entered the house, the mobs just stopped coming at me in the street, started wandering around for a bit, then started walking back to where I had first aggroed them.
There was more to the dream, but the rest didn't really seem ffxi-related. Like, it turned out some of the mobs were in fact police officers that were trying to take me in, but they couldn't enter my parents' house. and I knew they would try to break the law by entering illegally, so i set up a PC and a camera/microphone (actually, it looked like the camera for the PS3) and pointed it out at the cops. When I opened the front door and started taunting them, they just turned and walked away.
There was another part (before all the running actually began) about a friend puking in the middle of a nice restaurant.
Now... How often have you had dreams like this? And why haven't I had more of these?
No, I didn't aggro anything by accident in Dynamis last night, so don't go thinkin this is a guilt-trip dream. lol
Aight. Gotta go pack cuz I'm flying down to Tampa after work today. I shall miss gaming for the next couple days. Hopefully I won't fall behind in points cuz after last night's run (2 MNK feet dropped), I'm now first in line for MNK gear. ^^
Monday, June 16, 2008
Ha ha, success!
So, lets see... what have I accomplished since my last post?
- Ranked-up twice in Campaign (Allied Ribbon of Glory $$$$ and Bronze Star $)
- Did 2 {Dynamis - San d'Oria} runs and cleared them both. (I still need Windy and Jeuno clears in order to get into Beau)
- Participated in my first {sky} run, where we fought (and defeated) Suzaku and Byakko
- Broke the latent on my Knuckles of Trials
- oh, and I got my {Monk} up to 75 ^^
Yes, I finally got a job to 75... and I did it on my 1-year anniversary of playin FFXI. :) Now I just gotta go get some real gear now as well as do the fight to get Asuran Fists.
More to come later... (too much stuff goin on at work this morning)
UPDATE: ok, so i lied. There's not much else that needed to be updated. That's the gist of it. Later-on tonight I finally went and got my Walahra Turban (yay, first piece of 75 gear for me!) and got the key item for the Sheep in Antlion's Clothing ENM that me, Caldera and Nomar are gonna start doing on a weekly basis. (omg, srsly? I might start to have a steady income now?! no wai!!1! and i'm gonna need it to afford Utsusemi: Ni which is currently selling for 400k. ouch.)
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Matrix isn't real
I hate when this stuff happens, especially now when I'm so close to my deadline/anniversary, but I gotta take a couple days off, away from the game. ><
Last night I was so busy with RL stuff (mow my lawn, edge, weed-whack around the house, fertilize, pick up my tux, sign up for a pass so I can start swimming again this summer, make dinner...) I don't think I even got online until around 8:30 or 9:00pm. After an hour of lfp, I gave up looking (cuz I don't want to be one of "those people" who joins a pt and then ditches after only an hour or so).
I did manage to get a few more campaign battles in and got enough xp to get to MNK 72 though. ^^ (Only about 120k more to go!) After I dinged, I just headed up to the Hall of the Gods and logged so that if I DO get out of the rehearsal dinner stuff early, I can hurry back (prolly just over to Treu's house to save myself an extra half-hour or so of driving) and join in on Sky tonight.
Of course, it wasn't until after I had already started the log-out process that I realized that I hadn't yet done my campaign evaluation. >< Eh whateva. It was only 12:20am at the time and I couldn't even get evaluated until 12:45am anyways. And I was NOT about to run alllllll the way back up to the Hall of the Gods again. No biggie; so I delay a rank-up by maybe 24 hours. /shrug
Rehearsal dinner tonight. Wedding all day Saturday. Kick the broad outta my house early Sunday morning (whichever bridesmaid I happened to bring home the night before). And then back to MOAR MNK ALL DAY SUNDAY!!! (well, and then I think a Dynamis run on Sunday night, assuming it's one of the cities.)
Next step: level MNK to 75 (working on breaking the Trial Weapon latent while doing so)
Everything else can wait.
I just realized last night that I have enough ISP for my Walahra Turban, but can't wear it til 75 anyways... but at least I know where to go and how to get it so once I'm even close to 75 I'll take care of that right quick.
Destroyers can wait.
Hell, even my Prommies can wait now.
I WANTS 75ses!!!!!11!1!!!
8 days...
Last night I was so busy with RL stuff (mow my lawn, edge, weed-whack around the house, fertilize, pick up my tux, sign up for a pass so I can start swimming again this summer, make dinner...) I don't think I even got online until around 8:30 or 9:00pm. After an hour of lfp, I gave up looking (cuz I don't want to be one of "those people" who joins a pt and then ditches after only an hour or so).
I did manage to get a few more campaign battles in and got enough xp to get to MNK 72 though. ^^ (Only about 120k more to go!) After I dinged, I just headed up to the Hall of the Gods and logged so that if I DO get out of the rehearsal dinner stuff early, I can hurry back (prolly just over to Treu's house to save myself an extra half-hour or so of driving) and join in on Sky tonight.
Of course, it wasn't until after I had already started the log-out process that I realized that I hadn't yet done my campaign evaluation. >< Eh whateva. It was only 12:20am at the time and I couldn't even get evaluated until 12:45am anyways. And I was NOT about to run alllllll the way back up to the Hall of the Gods again. No biggie; so I delay a rank-up by maybe 24 hours. /shrug
Rehearsal dinner tonight. Wedding all day Saturday. Kick the broad outta my house early Sunday morning (whichever bridesmaid I happened to bring home the night before). And then back to MOAR MNK ALL DAY SUNDAY!!! (well, and then I think a Dynamis run on Sunday night, assuming it's one of the cities.)
Next step: level MNK to 75 (working on breaking the Trial Weapon latent while doing so)
Everything else can wait.
I just realized last night that I have enough ISP for my Walahra Turban, but can't wear it til 75 anyways... but at least I know where to go and how to get it so once I'm even close to 75 I'll take care of that right quick.
Destroyers can wait.
Hell, even my Prommies can wait now.
I WANTS 75ses!!!!!11!1!!!
8 days...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Shh! I'm listening to reason!
(yes, really. a Pee-Wee's Big Adventure quote)
Last night was {Dynamis-Jeuno}. I think we did alright (not that I really have anything to compare it against), but we still didn't get the clear. :( We only had 1 full-wipe... Got a 100 byne-bill drop... Got DRG Hands AF drop, which I think just free-dropped from what i recall (Tekumel, one of my recent leveling-buddies who happens to be a DRG) was kinda pissed at me for telling him that, but he was busy with his LS at that moment over in Dyna-Sandy)... Obviously a ton of relic weapons/shields/horns drops... Not really sure what else. Guess I was paying too much attention to where we were going and what everyone else was doing.
My first 2 Dynamis runs were more just "do what you are told and follow everyone else" so I didn't really get to experience much of what actually goes on during these blitzkriegs. This time I felt more comfortable on the run so I started looking around more rather than staring intently at the log for the next instructions. Simple things that I'm sure everyone else already knows were just dawning upon me last night: mages cover our front and rear, all melee in the middle; our main defense is sleeping/stunning; melee (in general) LOVE pushing forward, even when they're not supposed to, most likely because mobs stop before they get to where we are, so we creap forward on every mob we fight; ... oh, and people still don't know how to follow directions. (but everyone already knew that) Biggest thing I learned last night: don't piss off your mages. ^^ If a DD gets pissed-off and decides not to do their job, no biggie; it'll just take longer to kill the mobs. If one of your primary mages (whether it's a nuker, sleeper, healer...) gets pissed-off from something you did, you will die or worse, the whole party will die. So please, be nice, be grateful, do as you're told and everyone will be happier for it.
Other than the Dynamis run, I got my Trial Knuckles, did an Escort Quest (FINALLY finishing off my NIN to 37... w00t!), and did a few more Campaign battles before crashing. So, several more necessary things were accomplished: no more needing to work on NIN anymore, well, at least until I decide to finish taking it all the way to 75, which probably won't be for at least a year or two; got that much closer to getting my MNK to 75 (currently only about 122k away!) and being able to merit-the-hell out of it ^^; made plans with Tekumel so we can break our latents together on our Trial weapons.
9 days remaining...
Last night was {Dynamis-Jeuno}. I think we did alright (not that I really have anything to compare it against), but we still didn't get the clear. :( We only had 1 full-wipe... Got a 100 byne-bill drop... Got DRG Hands AF drop, which I think just free-dropped from what i recall (Tekumel, one of my recent leveling-buddies who happens to be a DRG) was kinda pissed at me for telling him that, but he was busy with his LS at that moment over in Dyna-Sandy)... Obviously a ton of relic weapons/shields/horns drops... Not really sure what else. Guess I was paying too much attention to where we were going and what everyone else was doing.
My first 2 Dynamis runs were more just "do what you are told and follow everyone else" so I didn't really get to experience much of what actually goes on during these blitzkriegs. This time I felt more comfortable on the run so I started looking around more rather than staring intently at the log for the next instructions. Simple things that I'm sure everyone else already knows were just dawning upon me last night: mages cover our front and rear, all melee in the middle; our main defense is sleeping/stunning; melee (in general) LOVE pushing forward, even when they're not supposed to, most likely because mobs stop before they get to where we are, so we creap forward on every mob we fight; ... oh, and people still don't know how to follow directions. (but everyone already knew that) Biggest thing I learned last night: don't piss off your mages. ^^ If a DD gets pissed-off and decides not to do their job, no biggie; it'll just take longer to kill the mobs. If one of your primary mages (whether it's a nuker, sleeper, healer...) gets pissed-off from something you did, you will die or worse, the whole party will die. So please, be nice, be grateful, do as you're told and everyone will be happier for it.
Other than the Dynamis run, I got my Trial Knuckles, did an Escort Quest (FINALLY finishing off my NIN to 37... w00t!), and did a few more Campaign battles before crashing. So, several more necessary things were accomplished: no more needing to work on NIN anymore, well, at least until I decide to finish taking it all the way to 75, which probably won't be for at least a year or two; got that much closer to getting my MNK to 75 (currently only about 122k away!) and being able to merit-the-hell out of it ^^; made plans with Tekumel so we can break our latents together on our Trial weapons.
9 days remaining...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
We better split up... we can do more damage that way.
So I lied: no updates for yesterday's post. Not even much to say about last night either because nothing was really accomplished other than adding a few more people to my shit-list for going AWOL. Having the party wipe once is not a good reason to just leave without even saying so. When you do that, or even when you finally get a party together and decide to leave after 60 minutes when people haven't even expended their Emperor's Bands yet, you're just gonna succeed in pissing people off.
All-in-all last night: only made about 21k in the [almost] 6 hours I was online. /sigh
I still wanna make my goal of 75 by my 1-year anniversary (I created my account on 6/14/2007), so hopefully I'll find better parties over the next several days. Only 120,000 xp in 10 nights... that's easily doable, no?
All-in-all last night: only made about 21k in the [almost] 6 hours I was online. /sigh
I still wanna make my goal of 75 by my 1-year anniversary (I created my account on 6/14/2007), so hopefully I'll find better parties over the next several days. Only 120,000 xp in 10 nights... that's easily doable, no?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Dee dee dee...
Monday, June 2, 2008
To and fro, stop and go, that's what makes the world go 'round...
The weekend was filled with ups and downs... but overall progress was still made, so I can consider the past few days a success. ^^
Friday I missed out on our Sky run. (I decided I needed to go downtown to get drunk after work.) Not that it really mattered though, considering I was still only on ZM 3 or 4 and didn't have access to Sky. So that's what we ended up doing all day on Saturday. Treu (dual-boxing with Screamin) and Hybrid/Caldera took a bunch of us n00bs (me, Nomar, Rai, Hanzow, Toboue... I think there might have been 1 or 2 more, not sure though) all over the place to complete all of the necessary ZMs to get into Sky. MUCH props to these two guys for helping us out; we owe them BIG TIME. (not that I already don't owe them like a dozen favors each already.) After we got up there into Tu'Lia, Treu even gave us a quick walkthrough of some of the key points to remember up there. (what mobs aggro on what, where to walk to avoid mobs, etc...)

Sunday was spent trying to find a pt to level my MNK some more; while I was slowly gaining xp with my flag up out in Campaign, Tekumel was sitting in Whitegate trying to form a party for us. No luck on the pt though (as usual: no tanks). Hell, when I was looking to form the pt, there was only 1 group of lvl 70's in a party, so it just seemed that noone was leveling this weekend. /shrug

We also went on my 2nd Dynamis run Sunday night: Windy. The LS apparently came pretty close to clearing it, but just ran into some bad luck near the end. Well, not exactly "bad luck" so much as people making mistakes. (One guy even lived up to his characters name. lol but I don't wanna bad-mouth anyone in here so I'll just /laugh and move on. ^^ Just tryin to keep it positive in here folks!) Apparently the RDMs weren't casting {Sleep} as much as they should have been, the 1 tank was pulling mobs in the wrong order, some people kept WS-ing the NIN mobs after repeatedly being told NOT to, the melee's in general weren't listening to the leaders when they were told to stop creaping forward and pull back, and some unwanted aggro was accrued by one of the new guys at the end of the run. All-in-all, chalk it up to inexperience ... with a large dose of stupidity (people not listening to directions).
I don't know what the deal was. When the leader(s) tell you to pull back, you should pull back. I pulled back. A couple other people pulled back. The other dozen or so stayed forward and even kept pushing up. WTF mate? Our main tank would claim and run back to us, but before the mob got back, other people were already attacking and voking or whatnot so they were always fighting up front rather than back where we needed to be.
Whatever. I'm not gonna complain too much, cuz I haven't been here that long, but I definitely see why some people have been getting so frustrated with this LS. I'll still stick it out and try to help out as much as I can in any way that I can.
Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe someone should write up a newbie's guide to Dynamis on our LS site and make everyone read it before going on our next run. Simple stuff like turning on your chat filters to hold the party and linkshell messages on your screen for a few seconds might be VERY helpful. (Maybe people weren't seeing the messages because they were scrolling by too fast?) Maybe we need to specifically say ahead of time what the names of the NIN mobs are. (Doubt that'll help much though, because people actually shout "THIS ONE IS A NIN! DO NOT WEAPON SKILL!" and yet some people end up weapon-skilling anyways.) Maybe we need to name who the various leaders are ahead of time and tell people specifically "Melee always hang around where Suma is (to prevent pushing too far forward) and only /assist what Flayer is attacking unless Suma says to /assist someone else" and "BLMs and RDMs always hang around where Treu is and only /assist Ced unless otherwise told..." and "make sure RDMs are the primary sleepers because they have an A+ Enfeebling skill where BLMs are only a C+" etc....
I don't know. Just a thought. I think it would really help the new people out with what to expect and how to handle situations during these time-constrained events.
Friday I missed out on our Sky run. (I decided I needed to go downtown to get drunk after work.) Not that it really mattered though, considering I was still only on ZM 3 or 4 and didn't have access to Sky. So that's what we ended up doing all day on Saturday. Treu (dual-boxing with Screamin) and Hybrid/Caldera took a bunch of us n00bs (me, Nomar, Rai, Hanzow, Toboue... I think there might have been 1 or 2 more, not sure though) all over the place to complete all of the necessary ZMs to get into Sky. MUCH props to these two guys for helping us out; we owe them BIG TIME. (not that I already don't owe them like a dozen favors each already.) After we got up there into Tu'Lia, Treu even gave us a quick walkthrough of some of the key points to remember up there. (what mobs aggro on what, where to walk to avoid mobs, etc...)

Sunday was spent trying to find a pt to level my MNK some more; while I was slowly gaining xp with my flag up out in Campaign, Tekumel was sitting in Whitegate trying to form a party for us. No luck on the pt though (as usual: no tanks). Hell, when I was looking to form the pt, there was only 1 group of lvl 70's in a party, so it just seemed that noone was leveling this weekend. /shrug

We also went on my 2nd Dynamis run Sunday night: Windy. The LS apparently came pretty close to clearing it, but just ran into some bad luck near the end. Well, not exactly "bad luck" so much as people making mistakes. (One guy even lived up to his characters name. lol but I don't wanna bad-mouth anyone in here so I'll just /laugh and move on. ^^ Just tryin to keep it positive in here folks!) Apparently the RDMs weren't casting {Sleep} as much as they should have been, the 1 tank was pulling mobs in the wrong order, some people kept WS-ing the NIN mobs after repeatedly being told NOT to, the melee's in general weren't listening to the leaders when they were told to stop creaping forward and pull back, and some unwanted aggro was accrued by one of the new guys at the end of the run. All-in-all, chalk it up to inexperience ... with a large dose of stupidity (people not listening to directions).
I don't know what the deal was. When the leader(s) tell you to pull back, you should pull back. I pulled back. A couple other people pulled back. The other dozen or so stayed forward and even kept pushing up. WTF mate? Our main tank would claim and run back to us, but before the mob got back, other people were already attacking and voking or whatnot so they were always fighting up front rather than back where we needed to be.
Whatever. I'm not gonna complain too much, cuz I haven't been here that long, but I definitely see why some people have been getting so frustrated with this LS. I'll still stick it out and try to help out as much as I can in any way that I can.
Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe someone should write up a newbie's guide to Dynamis on our LS site and make everyone read it before going on our next run. Simple stuff like turning on your chat filters to hold the party and linkshell messages on your screen for a few seconds might be VERY helpful. (Maybe people weren't seeing the messages because they were scrolling by too fast?) Maybe we need to specifically say ahead of time what the names of the NIN mobs are. (Doubt that'll help much though, because people actually shout "THIS ONE IS A NIN! DO NOT WEAPON SKILL!" and yet some people end up weapon-skilling anyways.) Maybe we need to name who the various leaders are ahead of time and tell people specifically "Melee always hang around where Suma is (to prevent pushing too far forward) and only /assist what Flayer is attacking unless Suma says to /assist someone else" and "BLMs and RDMs always hang around where Treu is and only /assist Ced unless otherwise told..." and "make sure RDMs are the primary sleepers because they have an A+ Enfeebling skill where BLMs are only a C+" etc....
I don't know. Just a thought. I think it would really help the new people out with what to expect and how to handle situations during these time-constrained events.
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