Bhaflau RemnantsParty 1: Cole (main MNK), Khrone (MNK), Erm (BRD), Ofe (WHM), Rob (SAM), Kuni (RDM)
Party 2: GH (THF)
Not in attendance: Liquidblue
Enter Time: Tue 12/22/2009 11:03PM EST
Goal: Boss Run
1st Floor:
West path. Kill Bifrons and move to the next room... after getting to the central room and clearing it, send someone to the porter while everyone else backtracks to kill more mobs for necessary cell drops. Cell drops were pretty much in our favor tonight throughout the entire run.
2nd Floor:
Killed all 4 flans quickly, not caring whether spikes were up or not. Took the NW path. Again, killed almost everything.
3rd Floor:
Rings/Earrings and Ranged cells weren't dropping for us tonight, but all other equipment cells were, so we were happy. Lots of STR and VIT. A few INT and MND. Not much else stat-wise.
4th Floor:
Got up here 55 minutes into the run. (5 minutes faster than last time.)
Killing gears went a lot smoother tonight too, probably because we had more equipment unlocked, but also because we made sure we DoT-ed all gears ASAP and tried to make sure we SCed as much as possible too. Aggroed 1 gear, but killed all of the other 9. So, the boss's Homing Missile was still going to reset hate, but we tried to be prepared for that.
5th Floor:
Had about 20 or 25 minutes left in the run by the time we ported up.
Made sure to pop HP and MP boost items before coming up to the 5th floor. Entered the boss room. {Boost}ed. Buffed. {Chi Blast}ed and the fight was on. This time the MNKs did a much better job at keeping shadows up. Around 60% the BRD 2houred. (Ofe said he was getting 12 MP per tick at one point. awesomeness.) Around 45% (?) the main MNK 2houred, reset timers, then 2houred again. Around 30% the 2nd MNK (me) 2houred. Ran into a bit of badluck though by this point. The boss fired-off a Homing Missile RIGHT before the SAM got in a crit hit, so it kind of locked in hate onto him for a bit and started following him around the room. I lost a lot of my 2hour just trying to chase the thing down. By the time my 2hour wore, I was pretty much dead and and a minute or two later we had run out of time. He only got off 2 (maybe 3?) Homing Missiles.
Final Notes / Lessons Learned:
Readjusting when everyone 2hours worked out really well. Next time we might want to hold off on 2houring a
little bit more, but all-in-all we think we did a
lot better than previous boss fights.
Next week we will not have Salvage, due to the holidays. Will start up again on January 4th.
We'll try to focus on getting some Assaults done instead this coming Mon and Tues night.
Hopefully it'll only be a few more Campaign battles until I can rank up. After I rank up this time, I can go purchase a
Patronus Ring. (Physical Dmg Taken -2% might help out a bit on this boss fight.)