Friday, September 18, 2009

And now for something completely different... MCS

In regards to Monopoly City Streets which just did a server reset this morning around 3:00AM EST... and in reference to posts on their blog.

======== To the MCS Developement Team ========
I just wanted to start off by saying that, despite all of the complaints you guys read here on the blog, there are still some of us that will enjoy the game. I think it's a great concept, bringing an old boardgame to life by using REAL city streets from all over the world and allowing people to compete, in real-time, against other people that are ALSO from all over the world. It's free. It's fun. You won't be hearing any complaints from me! :)

The only suggestion I have is to add in some kind of messaging system so that we can communicate with other players. It could probably even just be tied into the current "Alert" system that is set up. I just think it'd be nice to have a way to strike a truce with other people if you get into a Hazard War with them that just gets out of control. lol (Of course, the down-side to having a messaging system is that all of these cheaters/botters/whatever could end up just spamming everyone and making things even worse....)

===== To all the whiners and complainers =====
Really? You REALLY expect to find a FREE game out there that you can play and then complain that it's not up to your standards? REALLY? And you REALLY think that a piece of software, as complex as I'm sure this is, can be fixed and patched and modified within a couple HOURS of people making complaints and suggestions? Really??

You're probably the kid from down the street that used to come over to play boardgames with me when we were young... we'd laugh, strategize a bit (as much as inexperienced kids can do), have fun... and then as soon as you realize you weren't going to win the whole game, you're the one who "accidentally" kicks the board so no one knows what houses are on what properties... or opens a window or aims a fan at the board so the paper money goes flying everywhere.... Yeah, you're that kid who lacked integrity and a good sportsmanship attitude.

Ya know what? NOT EVERYONE CAN WIN. Every game has winners and losers. Face it: you're not always going to be a winner. (This is a life lesson I'm teaching you here, so I hope you're really listening.) Sometimes life sucks. Deal with it. This is a GAME. If you have problems with the game, then you can either deal with it or you can quit. It's really that simple.

The cool thing about this is that you don't even have to be at the top of any leader board with this game. How about you just play to compete against a group of friends?

And I can't stress that enough: THIS IS A GAME. I don't know about you guys, but I play games to relieve stress. Some of you people seem to have that concept flipped around somehow.

Do you REALLY need electronic validation on a world-wide scale that you are the superior mouse clicker compared to all who oppose you? Perhaps you should seek professional (read: psycological) help.

