Peanut butter jelly time!
Peanut butter jelly time!
Peanut butter jelly time!
Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat...
(can you tell i'm excited?)
I finally got my
Byakko's Haidate. ^^

The 1st Byakko we killed tonight still wouldn't drop it... but it finally dropped for me on the 2nd one. So, I is a happy camper.
Sheesh, I think I took the point-lead for haidate like 4 or 5 weeks ago and I'm just getting it tonight. Craziness. But whateva. Now all I have to say is:
SCREW YOU LolFail!!! I never liked any of you and now I can finally go my own way now that I got all the gear I want from sk.... oh wait.... I still wand a few more Dryadic and Aquarian Abjurations.... heh heh... um... Forget what I said. I'm still cool wit y'all. I was just playin. Ya know.... I KEEEED I KEEEED! eh heh. eh heh. heh. mmmmm....Well, that was the 1 piece that I DEFINITELY wanted/needed from sky, but as I said, I'll still be going up there for quite a while. (If anything, just for the gil payouts.) At least from now on though, I won't push-off RL stuff just so I can make it home in time for {sky} just in case they decide to do a Byakko!!! lol Man, the past couple weeks has completely drained me because of worrying about missing a run and worrying over someone passing me again in points. It now feels like a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders. "R O L A I D S" (Now that's how I spell relief!)
A few other drops also came tonight: Treu got ANOTHER set of W Legs, but this time they were for Screamin. Aguaa also picked up some D Legs... for Jaugax... and a D Body for himself. Man, craziness tonight. People are gearing up... no, PIMPING up their MULES and yet, noone wanted to be on the waitlist tonight for W Legs on our 2nd Kirin run. WTF mate? Some people just have some screwed up priorities I guess.
In other news: Kyrja is a single female, that (obviously) plays ffxi, knows how to cook (well, at least "knows how to cook chicken better than her mother"), doesn't mind if her man frequents strip clubs... and yet still thinks she's gonna have a rough time finding a husband. Sush and I both jumped on that one with Sush shouting "MARRY ME! QUICK, Before Khrone asks you!!!" rofl!
I was also noticing a few other people's gear tonight. Cephas and Kyrja seem to be the only ones (at least that I've seen) that have any Askar gear. And a few other people are a LOT better geared than I expected them to be, judging by the way they sometimes act/play. (But I'm not naming names cuz I know y'all are reading this now! Thanks Sush! :-P lol)
But yeah... since people are starting to pass on gear, I'm wondering if we are reaching the point where we all just about have the gear we want and we should probably try moving this group off into something else, like sea. Hulc is apparently back and wants to start up a sea group and a Salvage group, so I'm definitely gonna try to jump in on that action. Although, I still have 2 more ToAU Mission fights and basically ALL of CoP to do before I can participate. DOH! But as I said, I can now ease-off of sky a bit and start going after other stuff: get Promyvion - Dem done, merit a bunch more, start crankin out assaults, maybe level SAM and SNM a lil more so I can be a little more versatile, etc...
Oh, and finally, apparently
Lux got banned earlier today. Whoa, and I just noticed Boogers is on the ban list too! Hm. Wonder what they did. Lux could have just pissed someone off now that he's off his meds or whatever (lol) and Boogers always seemed like a nice guy. Eh. I guess most of these bannings usually have to do with gil buyers... but what do I know? /shrug
OMFG! Minidragon of Bismark was permanently banned!!!And fellow NineInchNinjas member
Doomcrack was also (temporarily) banned!
Jackyl of Garuda - temporary ban.
Dude, these were the 3 guys that were beating out Stan on the
AH website rankings. Un-cool, bros. It looks like a LOT of relic weapons have now been removed from various servers and even 2 mythic weapons! (Hell, Minidragon himself had like 6 relics and a Maat's Cap!)
Aight. Enough for now. Gotta get my typical 3 or 4 hours of sleep before I gotta get up for work in the morning. /sigh